Healthware India

MR Fusion


It allows fusing powerful real-time ultrasound images with pre-exam MRI data gives better guidance to help accurately target lesions detected on the MRI images.

The system potentially reduces the risk of missing high-grade tumors or under-staging tumors.

It has single-system footprint with simultaneous display of MRI and real-time ultrasound images on one monitor. It helps in identifying lesions quickly and performing targeted biopsies using images with high spatial, temporal, and contrast resolution.

Bk Fusion offers an easy and familiar workflow to make prostate biopsy procedures in either the free-hand transrectal or the transperineal as well as stabilized transperineal approach as efficient as possible.

The urologist can freely adjust ultrasound gain and depth or choose different planes (transverse, sagittal, and endfire) without the need to re-sweep or recalibrate during procedures.


Predictive Fusion® is an advanced technology that improves the registration process and increases MRI/Ultrasound fusion accuracy by eliminating the need to draw prostate contours on the ultrasound image.

Predictive Fusion® allows adjusting and correcting potential registration errors before taking a biopsy and is designed to fit traditional biopsy workflow, requiring minimal extra steps and providing a fusion you can trust.

The bkFusion workflow utilizes rigid registration and a unique algorithm called Predictive Fusion® to reorient prostate’s position on the MRI image into a more natural ultrasound position before the patient’s procedure.

Transrectal Fusion Biopsies:

Integrated into a familiar, efficient transrectal biopsy workflow
Freehand biopsy procedure compatible with sidefire or endfire transducer
Can be performed in the office or the OR

Transperineal Fusion Biopsies:

Transperineal biopsies can reduce infectious complications and eliminate the need for bowel prep
Choice between a freehand or stabilized approach
Flexibility to perform biopsies in the office or the OR

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