Healthware India

Flexiva Fibers are high power single-use laser fibers. They are designed with a high degree of flexibility to pass through a fully deflected scope without causing damage to the scope liner or optics. The Flexiva Fibers are approved to use with Holmium and Nd:YAG lasers with standard SMA-905 Connectors. It is also recommended for use with Lumenis Laser Systems.

Features, Advantages and Benefits

The following features make the Flexiva Fibres an effective device for urological procedures performing at a high degree of flexibility and durability.

Feature Advantages Benefits
Polished output tip
Laser fibers are made up of high-quality silica fiber material. The Flexiva Fibres have a primary and secondary coating with a polished ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) outer layer. These coating help to keep energy in the core through total internal reflection.
The polished outer tip facilitates easy insertion into the scope without causing any damage to the liner or optics. This feature also reduces imperfections from mechanical or hand cleaving.
Non-tapered guided connector
Flexiva Fibres are designed with a custom guided connector to deliver direct energy towards the core.
The unique feature of Flexiva Fibres helps in delivering consistent high output efficiency at the treatment site and thus provide consistent performance.
Flexshield technology
Flexiva Fibres uses a flexshield technology for high durability and high power. These fibres are engineered to withstand 1.0cm bend diameter at 50W2 and 1.5cm bend diameter at 100W2.
High durability of Flexiva Fibres can reduce scope damage, which can be caused by fiber breakage.
Bench and scope testing demonstrates that the Flexiva Fibres can pass through a fully deflected scope without damage to the scope liner or optics.
This unique feature facilitates ease of insertion of the endoscope. It will also ensure a smooth navigation under difficult conditions offering patient comfort.
Output Efficiency
The custom guided connector efficiently directs the energy to the core and safely diffuses any errant laser energy. This reduces the procedure steps for the initial advancement of a deflected laser fiber to the surgical site.
This distinct feature maximizes its performance by delivering consistent high output energy at the treatment site. It also eliminates the need to re-access challenging stone locations.