Healthware India

A break-through hybrid Dakota basket with an exclusive handle design now makes it easier to reach and remove stones with variable size and composition, in challenging anatomy.

Features, Advantages and Benefits

Following are the featured advantages of Dakota stone retrieval device:

Feature Advantages Benefits
Single session, multiple functions
The Dakota hybrid basket can grasp, reposition, and remove multiple stones and fragments of variable sizes in a single procedure.
Enables capture of as small as 1mm stones and helps open larger for sure and quick release of stone during reposition
Exclusive handle design
Patented OpenSure handle
Heps in quickly releasing large, complex kidney stones on demand with a single press of of the patented OpenSure™ Handle. It helps open basket larger for sure release during reposition
Flexible basket
Flexible, three-arm basket opens and closes at full deflection
The flexible basket enables stone manipulation in all the areas of renal pelvis without compromising the outcomes, thereby improving the patient outcomes.
Hybrid technology
The hybrid technology of the Dakota exhibiting both basket and grasper properties help to streamline challenging stone removal.
Reach the lower pole of the kidney in patients of tortuous anatomy